K's BIirthday

The other day, it was K's birthday. I planed to do something for him, like eating special dinner or things like that.

In the morning of that day, we were very surprised. You know what?
K got a chocolate from Belgium! His previous colleague, Leentje and her husband Bart sent him a box of GODIVA. It was posted just one week ago of that day and surprisingly there was no accident for post or custom. Then it arrived just on his birthday.

If you know the situation that post delivery between Belgium and Japan, you can not expect when it arrives there.

He told me, “I’ve never had such a nice birthday present, never ever!” I thought there was something coincident however amazingly it was happened. We have really good friends in Belgium.

Of course we tasted and enjoyed great Belgium chocolates!

Thank you Leentje and Bart!!!


匿名 さんのコメント…
Thanks a million, Leetje and Bart!

It was really really great present for me!


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