Hey Everybody, The famous top singers in the world are gathered and created one big special album for Japan. It is called "SONGS FOR JAPAN" including 38 hit songs. All sales of the album will donate to red cross Japan and will use for victims who suffered from the 3.11 earthquakes and tsunami. If you like pop music, please buy this album and pray for Japan with us! You can buy it from iTune store. みなさん、トップアーティストがそれぞれのヒット曲を提供して作られたチャリティーアルバム、「SONGS FOR JAPAN」がiTune storeで売り出され、世界18カ国で1位になっているとか。もちろん、我が家もポチッと購入! 今ならiTune storeのトップページでクリックするだけ!